On the Path

I got an early start this morning when Sissy (the 15 lb min pin) decided enough was enough - sleep that is. So we were on the trail by 7 this morning. The Rivanna River Trail, that is. Just one part of my path here in C'ville. We left Athens last fall, me after 27 total years there and Tommy after an whole lifetime.  The newness of C'ville is not…

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Guys and Beasties

What is it with guys and those living creatures we gals aren’t fond of? Perhaps my view on this is restricted by the circles I now live in, but I think it has wider implications. I was fortunate that my son wasn’t too interested in the bugs and beasts, so I escaped the type of episode my brother subjected my mother to when he was about 12. He had developed…

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Doggie Adaptations

In all of the adaptations we’ve had to make here in our country home, the most subtle one has affected our dogs. It’s subtle because its full import has taken this entire year to become obvious. We have three dogs-city dogs, of course. The most citified is the little one, a six-pound toy with long hair. When we gained her from my son in late 1999, she wasn’t fond of…

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Our Natural Country Neighbors

The past 18 months have been a time for learning for me between my work with the newspaper, the planning commission, no full time job and living in the country. All of a sudden I've had enough revelations about living and life to write many columns! First, I have to return to my recurrent theme-living in the country. Spring has sprung and the birds and bees (and all sorts of…

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