I got an early start this morning when Sissy (the 15 lb min pin) decided enough was enough – sleep that is. So we were on the trail by 7 this morning. The Rivanna River Trail, that is. Just one part of my path here in C’ville.
We left Athens last fall, me after 27 total years there and Tommy after an whole lifetime. The newness of C’ville is not wearing off or wearing thin still today. Back some time ago I checked out meetup.com in an effort to meet people here. That led me to a walking group on Monday nights. The first night I showed up, at the Charlottesville Running Company, Marty says, “We’re doing 3 miles tonight; can you do it?”
I blithely replied, “Sure, I can do that.” Well, it was the hottest and muggiest day in C’ville so far this summer. And… walking downtown C’ville off the mall is hilly. I did make it but it was really rough!
The next week I took the 2 little dogs. A couple of weeks later we walked down at Riverview park and the path has gone from there. We meet Marty for the Monday night walk and this week did the Thursday morning walk. Weekends I head for the park and do over 3 miles there as well. So next week I’ll be up to 9 miles a week. Wow.
I’ve always said I don’t like to sweat and that is a very true statement. The good news is that it is cooler and less muggy here than Georgia so it’s not as bad as it would be down south. I used to remodel houses for exercise as I’ve never been a believer in exercising for exercising’s sake. Time moves on and now I can’t physically work on houses. There’s still a lot I can’t do because of continuing physical problems, but by golly, I can walk!
Riverview Park is a nice little park that leads into the Rivanna River Trail which runs around C’ville. Almost 2 miles are paved leading out of the park and all of it lies along the river. There are spots where you can go down to the river’s edge so the doggies can drink. (They are then required to pull me back up to the trail, such good sled dogs!) There are spots where you don’t realize the river is there.
The path winds along in back backyards of homes and businesses. There’s a back hum of traffic, sometimes near and sometimes very distant. Between the birds (recently including a flock of geese), cicadas and the regular deep croak of a bullfrog. it’s never a quiet place. Sometimes the rushing water can drown out everything else – oh, heavenly!
The sights are so varied! Sometimes you are in wilderness and then you come face to face with hulks of panel trucks parked in the back of an auto repair shop. Walking under the 250 bridge has become a soothing comfort for me – dampening the noise from above. Sitting in the car on top was scary before since you can feel the bridge move. Underneath, though, that is all a distant memory.
Everybody says hi as they pass and occasionally we stop to greet other dog visitors. Mostly we stand to the side while I hold my dogs tightly and the passing pooches react or sometimes don’t react to the presence of my pair. This morning some sort of hound started hallooing immediately on spotting us. He was still giving voice long after we went by.
The folks can be interesting to watch. Today I spotted a guy again who happened to end up in one of my pictures. He talks on the phone his whole walk, making business calls and sweating. Huh? Another morning I passed a fellow who was creepily scurrying along with some sort of satchel. Reminded me of that innocuous serial killer who’s always “such a nice, quiet fellow”. Also seen and heard today was a real runner – no flat-footed jogger, was he. (and really skinny, too; either obsessive or a competitor).
On my path in C’ville, just enjoying the variety and monotony of walking with my dogs.
View today’s photos below or at http://deliawilson.tumblr.com