
Recently I was asked to write up something in honor of a cousin who I've gotten to know in the last few years. I finally got around to writing it up this morning, a bit ahead of the deadline (meaning I can't post this until after August 23!) Here's the core of the piece I wrote but expanded into a look at today's society. Today on Facebook my cousin, Dan,…

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(Walking Meditation from Japanese Buddhism) As I climb out of my car, a fetid wave of dog poop flows over me: I have parked next to the trash cans at the trailhead. I thank heavens for responsible pet owners who trash the poop but I walk quickly to pass by that bit of nature after I start my iPhone app to record my walk statistics. Just a few steps brings…

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On the Path

I got an early start this morning when Sissy (the 15 lb min pin) decided enough was enough - sleep that is. So we were on the trail by 7 this morning. The Rivanna River Trail, that is. Just one part of my path here in C'ville. We left Athens last fall, me after 27 total years there and Tommy after an whole lifetime.  The newness of C'ville is not…

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